The Spagyric Difference
… potent, pure, and effective
Benefits of Spagyric Processing
What does this mean for the practitioner and the client?
Spagyrically-processed remedies are clean, highly concentrated, and easy to absorb, even for a compromised digestive system, making them ideal for addressing causative factors in a timely, gentle, and highly effective manner.
The Spagyric Process…
“Spagyric” comes from the Greek words “spaein” (divide) and “agarein” (unite). Dividing and uniting represent the basis of the Spagyric processing method. This method of extraction was defined by Paracelsus in the 16th century and is still utilized today by a handful of manufacturers to create the highest quality, handcrafted remedies available.
Spagyric processing involves three steps:
Separation Pure raw materials are separated (divided) into their constituent parts which consist of water, pulp, and oil.
Each constituent goes through a purification/ extraction process which releases all the principles of the plant including the oil-soluble, the water-soluble, the non-mineral, and the mineral. This process allows the body to take the fullest possible advantage of the healing properties of the herb.
The final step in the Spagyric processing method is to reunite all the purified and concentrated plant constituents back into one substance.
How does this method differ from more common methods of processing?
The Spagyric processing method is able to make use of the entire plant, including the water-soluble and oil-soluble components and mineral-rich pulp. Traditional methods of extraction utilize either an infusion or decoction method which extracts only the water-soluble properties, or utilize a tincture method which only extracts the oil-soluble properties, or process raw materials into powders or tablets which require more effort from the body to assimilate, and therefore, are not immediately made available to the body.
Why is this method of processing not more widely recognized?
Spagyric processing is an intricate science that is labor intensive, time-consuming, and highly specific. Most companies aren’t willing to invest in such an intricate and time- consuming process.
Information provided by Energetix –